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If variety is the spice of life, then I’m truly one hot tamale! 
I’ve worked professionally in many different settings (fitness, marketing, communications, fundraising, ministry and team building/equipping). 

As a certified Life and Ministry Coach, I’ve enjoyed speaking at many events and seminars and developing training materials. As an ACE certified Personal Trainer and a Yoga/Pilates Instructor, I had a ton of fun leading classes and helping clients reach new fitness goals. 

I worked with mission agencies for eighteen years, where I specialized in supporting and developing leaders for effective ministry. I have an M.A. in Multicultural Studies from Fuller Seminary. My family even spent ten years Budapest, Hungary, where we lived and worked as missionaries. 

“Don’t let what you’re afraid of keep you from what you were made for.”

Bob Goff

These days, you will find me doing what I love best: pursuing my passion for health, wellness and personal life coaching, inspiring and assisting others to find health and discover the freedom of becoming the best version of their true selves.

A wife and mother of two grown sons, I’m thankful to be living an integrated life that allows me to combine my work and play. My include international travel (to over 30 countries), running, skiing, biking, cooking, reading, relaxing with my family, and walking on the beach any chance I get.

More than anything, I always want to keep looking forward, helping others, learning new concepts, and challenging myself to live life to its fullest.